CLEAR MATCHES CLEAR NAMES ~A0Plant form Flowers Petals Color Elevation Blooms HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 5.0 und:0Plant form Flowers Petals Color Elevation Blooms matches were found:ches were found: Edit Names Edit Nameses were found: Edit Names Concurrent Word Searcheschesches A(Common Family Genus Family Genus Species Reader and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. All play and no work makes John a good boy. perennial spreading rhizomes stems 1-several sheath-forming@ orange agoseris@ june-aug valleys midmontane along waterways fallow lower@ acute@ tendency@ appar@ vaginatus turcz misapplied@ 107-028@ august@ 023-017@ alberta@ bonneville@ creeping@ four@ inches@ mallow@ red-brown@ somewhat@ alisA HBAM3016AUG95@ abies abronia abutilon achillea aconitum actaea adiantum adonis aegilops aesculus agastache agoseris agrohordeum agrohordeum agropyron agrositanion agrositanion agrostis ailanthus alisma allenrolfea allium alnus alopecurus althaea alyssum amaranthus ambrosia amelanchier amsinckia anagallis anaphalis anchusa androsace anemone angelica antennaria anthemis apera apocynum aquilegia arabidopsis arabis arceuthobium arctium arctostaphylos arenaria argemone aristida armoracia arnica bahia balsamorhiza barbarea bassia bellis berberis glabra Front Name Bookkeeping A1Photo Library: CD-ROM (default), or Hard Drive. A:User Level: Experience with botanical language and keys. Front Taxon List Front Taxon Photo Location 13 Photo Location 14 Photo Location 15 Back 1 Common List Species about gMacOS RegString gWindows RegString Photo Data Photo Library Resources Images mini5 HD Images mini5 CD Screen References to opening picture Photo references Attributes from descriptions Attributes from match request No. of pics to show in cameos Photo chosen for display Date photos were pruned Dummy field to allow shifting C Key Group Group Link Parameters used in Key Out G"Indicates picture shown from cameo Feedback Link ] User Name Platform System Screen Depth Screen Width c File Name Layout Name Layout Number Record Number Control Number Taxon Glossary Entries User Level Photo Location 0 Photo Location 0 ser Level Photo Location 0 oto Location 0 Location 0 fruitsS fruticosa fruticosae fueginus fulvum fungus funiculus funnelform further fused fusiformis gaining gallB gall-forming gallica galloway galloway separates elliptica fragrans accordin galls garden gardens gardneri garrett garrettii gaudinZ gay's genera generalC generally generic cowania cowania cowania cowania Photo Location 5 Photo Location 6 zFlowerColor Choice Flower Color zHabit Choice Habit zElevation Choice Elevation zMonth Choice Month zPetalNumber Choice Petals zFlowerShape Choice Flower Shape Pics1 Key Family Key Genus Family Link Genus Link Prune Errors Photo Location 0 Picture Front Store Text, Primary data Text, Primary data Text, Primary data Text, Primary data asperrimum asperrimum asperulum biflora clokeyi mason inconspicua smith sweet transmontana decipiens lewis szweykowski diffusum nuttallii misapplied elata jones nervata willd forwoodii oregana engelm parryi engelm nervosum strictum watsonii heller gaertn gallica garberi garcke garrettii geniculatum gertiana glycyrrhiza gnaphalium goodyera grindelia habenaria hackelia halogeton haplopappus hedysarum helenium helianthella helianthus heliotropium heracleum hesperis hesperochiron heterotheca ianthella helianthemum anthemum ianthemum ianthemum themum perennial rhizomes stems trailing strongly climbing perennial short branching rhizomes stems about perennial short rhizomes stems sheath perennial slender branched rhizomes stems 1-several perennial slender rhizomes often simple branc perennial slender rhizomes stems 0.5-2 herbag perennial slender rhizomes stems mostly 0.5-3 perennial slender rhizomes stems numerous erect perennial slender rhizomes stems often lacking nearl perennial slender rhizomes stems several slende perennial slender rhizomes stems slender erect ascen perennial slender rhizomes these often tuberlike perennial slender scaly rhizomes stems perennial slender stolons rhizomes stems erect perennial solitary fascicled fusiform fleshy rootsto wide-ranging widelyD widening widens psoralea pteridium puccinellia purshia pyrola quercus ranunculus raphanus ratibida rhamnus ribes robinia rorippa rubia rubus rudbeckia rumex ruppia sagina sagittaria salicornia salix salsola salvia salsola salsola salsola salsola salsola salsola salsola alsola salsola salsola salsola upper montane ilene sisymbrium sisyrinchium sitanion smelowskia smilacina solanum solidago sonchus sorbus sorghum sparganium spartina spergularia sphaeralcea sphaeromeria spiranthes spirodela sporobolus stachys stellaria stipa streptanthus streptopus suaeda swertia symphoricarpos synthyris tamarix taraxacum swertia wertia june-aug foothills upper montane moist sites often june-aug foothills upper montane shallow water june-aug foothills upper montane mesic june-aug foothills upper montane streamside moist june-aug habitat hyperborea ascum verbena veronica vicia viguiera vinca viola wolffia woodsia wyethia xanthium xanthocephalum zannichellia zigadenus acanthicarpa acanthium acaulescens acaulis acetosella acicularis cularis laris cularis cicularis ularis cularis ularis ularis cularis cularis cicularis acicularis ularis acicularis icularis montane moreN mostlyX mountainB mountainous gatei egatei legatei applegatei legatei applegatei applegatei plegatei plegatei 067-021@ 073-026@ 087-012@ 089-036 105-005@ 117-002 120-002 132-002@ 002-018 006-027@ 011-021@ 021-026@ 026-009 027-020 029-020 031-012@ 040-028@ 044-008 050-010@ 061-016@ 068-009@ 077-020@ 091-004@ 095-013@ 115-001 123-005@ 133-023@ 014-026@ 032-015@ 046-001@ 060-012@ 076-022@ 080-008 094-035@ 098-010@ 122-030@ 132-012 relieri bebbiana beckwithii beeringianum bicknellii bicolor biennis bifolium biloba bisceptrum bistortoides blattaria blitoides bolanderi boothii boreale borealis botryoides botrys orealis realis borealis orealis borealis orealis borealis borealis 067-021 067-022 067-024 067-026 067-028 067-030 067-033 068-003 068-005 068-014 068-019 068-021 068-025 069-008 069-010 069-017 069-020 069-023 069-024 069-031 069-034 070-004 070-008 070-016 070-018 070-025 070-031 070-033 071-002 071-009 071-015 071-017 071-020 071-021 071-033 071-036 072-005 072-009 072-014 072-015 072-018 072-027 072-029 072-033 073-001 073-003 073-004 073-017 073-022 canum canus capillare capillus-veneris capitatum cardiaca carinatus carolinense carolinianum carolinianus carota carvi caseana cataria catenata caudatus cereale cereum cereum cerealeales cerealeale cerealeale cerealealealeus cerealealeale cerealealeale cerealeale cerealeale cerealealeale recurved recurved-spreading congesta contorta convallarioides convallarius convolvulus cordatus cordifolia corniculata corniculatus corymbosa cotula coulteri crassifolia crassulus crispa crispus cristatum crusgalli cryptandrus cuneata cuneifolia curassavicum curvipes cuspidatum cyananthus cyanus cylindrica cymbalaria cuneata cuneata uneata cuneata throughouts thumb thyme-leaved thyme-leaved speedwell native perennial stems thyme-leaved spurge typical sprawling member stems tickweed tidy| tidytips tidytips accounts attractive fairly common tight tightly^ tilting timberline~ time_ mersum emersum emersum mersum ersum distinction distinctions distinctive distinctlyK distinctness distinguish distinguishable distinguishedN distinguishing distributed fragiferum fragilis fragrans fremontii frondosa frondosus fruticosa gairdneri gambelii gardneri fruticosa icosa uticosa ruticosa fuchsii fuchsii chsii fuchsii fuchsii fuchsii uchsii fuchsii fuchsii fuchsii fuchsii fuchsii others otherwise outside ovaries overlooked oxalic pacific parasite parasitic partialN partiallyW particularly parts parvifolia pasture patch penetrate peninsula persist persistent issima rounded inamoenus incana incarnata incisum indecora indica inerme inermis integerrimus integrifolius interior intermedia intermedium interrupta interruptus intybus involucrata ischaemum jamesiana japonicus jonesii jovis jubatum junceus juniperinum kaber kelloggii kentrophyta kingii lacustre laeta laevicaulis laevigatum lanata lanatus vicaulis caulis laevicaulis caulis caulis aulis vicaulis evicaulis aulis icaulis caulis aevicaulis vicaulis vicaulis rocky mountain beeplant rocky mountain buttercup rocky mountain clematis rocky mountain draba rocky mountain juniper rocky mountain mapleB rocky mountain parnassia rocky mountain pleated gentian rocky mountain sedge rocky mountain spurge rocky mountain willowherb rocky mountain woodsia heath pussytoes sedge ross's ross's avens gilia indian paintbrush pussytoes rothrock's rothrock's currant rough rough bedstraw rough bluegrass rough brickellbush rough bugleweed rough cinquefoil rough fiddleneck roughpod roughpod yellowcress rover rover bellflower rubber rubber rabbitbrush alumlumlumropetalumlumlumlum macropetalumlum macropetalumlumlumlumpetalumlumopetalumlummacropetalumlum sibbaldia procumbens hederacea sidalcea sidalcea candida sidalcea neomexicana sidalcea oregana silene silene acaulis silene antirrhina silene douglasii silene drummondii silene menziesii simulate sinuata sisymbrium sisymbrium altissimum sisyrinchium miniata minimum minimus minor minus miser missouriensis modocensis mollis monogyna monspeliensis montana montanum montanus monticola montigenum moschatus multifida multiflora multiflorum multilobatus multiradiata munita muralis murinum myrsinites myuros nardina nauseosus nebrascensis neglecta myrtillusluslusluslusluslusluslus myrtilluslus myrtillusluslusluslus myrtillusluslus myrtillusluslus myrtilluslus myrtilluslusluslus bractlike bractsF Wystachya pallida palmeri palustre lustre palustre alustre ustre alustre ustre palustre palustre palustre alustre 052-001 052-005 052-031@ 063-008@ 071-017@ 073-030 075-001@ 087-007@ 096-021@ 120-017@ 001-003@ 009-033@ 018-002@ 027-002@ 027-009@ 035-012@ 038-006@ 041-001@ 051-035@ 058-023@ 064-025@ 068-009@ 072-033@ 079-006@ 080-022@ 081-013@ 085-002@ 091-004@ 100-015@ 120-032@ 124-027@ 003-028@ 015-011@ 018-009@ 032-035@ 037-005@ 058-018@ 072-019@ 083-027@ 113-016@ 115-032@ 001-030@ 032-006@ 035-029@ 076-008@ 099-019@ 134d-44@ 010-019@ 096-008@ 101-019@ cream@ green@ magenta@ orange@ pink@ purple@ white@ yellow@ 040-025 040-027 040-031 041-004 041-006 041-009 041-010 041-012 041-014 041-030 041-035 042-004 043-007 043-013 043-015 043-021 043-030 043-032 043-035 044-003 044-004 044-006 044-016 045-001 045-016 045-025 045-033 045-036 046-002 046-008 046-033 049-008 049-010 049-015 049-018 049-022 049-026 049-029 049-033 049-035 050-002 050-003 050-013 050-016 050-020 050-022 050-023 050-025 050-027 050-029 051-002 051-004 051-005 051-012 051-014 051-016 051-018 051-024 051-025 051-028 051-030 051-032 051-034 052-001 052-005 052-010 052-013 052-018 052-020 052-023 052-029 052-030 solstitialis sophia sessile sessile sessile ssile ssile sessile essile several-lobed several-nerved several-rayed shallowR shallowlyB uniflora unispicata urbanum ursinus urticifolia utahensis uva-ursi vallicola variegatum velutinus venenosus venosus venusta crinkled-hairyK crinkly crinkly-hairyI crispk crisp-hairyN crisp-pubescent crispy-hairy` cross cross-joined cross-wrinkled crossed crosswallsv crowdedJ crowded-pinnate crownB crownedV crumpled raspberry rasping ratherU rattlesnake rattlesnake plantain small inches frequ rattlesnakes ifolia hifolia ifolia zothecina acanthaceae aceraceae agavaceae aizoaceae alismataceae amaranthaceae amaryllidaceae anacardiaceae apiaceae apocynaceae asclepiadaceae asteraceae casey's casing castle casual casualties cat's cat-tail cat-tails catch catches catchfly catchweed catclaw catkins catkins appear leaves inches upright catnip catnip perennial which grows about cattail cattered cattle cause{ caused causesN causing caution cautiousU cavalry cecret cedar centered centering centers centerville centralh improvement improvements improverL lance-ovateU lance-ovoid lance-triangular lanceolateD moderatelyQ Wricaceae iridaceae isoetaceae juncaceae juncaginaceae lamiaceae prickly prickly-bristly prickly-margined primaryP principal prismatic procerus process processes procumbent procumbent-ascending produced producing progressively ceaeeae species common deli[ portulacaceae potamogetonaceae primulaceae pyrolaceae photo photographs photographedF photographs photost photosynthesis 0.2-0.6 0.2-0.7 0.2-0.8 0.2-1 0.2-1.2 0.2-1.3 0.2-1.5 000-001 000-002 000-003 000-006 000-007 000-008 000-024 000-030 000-031 000-032 000-044 0001-12 0001-21 0001-24 0001-25 0002-02 0002-04 0002-07 0002-16 0.5-1.2 0.5-1.4 0.5-1.5 0.5-1.8 0.5-10 according weber structure achene accordinglyK accountU achene achenes achieving achilleaefolia ackerman ackerman restores species genus piperia acknowledged acomastylis aconitum acroptilon acrostichoides action active actually acuminata acuminateK acuteJ acutidens acutifolia acutiloba adaptation addition additionalG adequate adjacent adjoining admittedly adoneus adopted adscendens adventive adventive warmer regions hemisphere adversely straighter stranded straw-coloredB strawberry streaked striateu striations strictly strip striped stripes strips 0.5-2.7 0.5-2.8 0.5-20 0.5-3F bristly nootka native roses britain british 6-0.8 0.6-1 0.6-1.2 0.6-1.5 0.6-2 0.6-2.4 0.6-2.5 0.6-3 0.6-3.5 0.6-4^ 0.6-6` may-aug foothills subalpine moist mesic sites may-aug foothills subalpine grassy slopes may-aug foothills subalpine often rocky slopesb may-aug foothills subalpine streamside moist woods may-aug foothills subalpine under oak-maple aspen-fir may-aug foothills subalpine oak-sage-brush otheru may-aug foothills upper montane moist may-aug foothills upper montane moist moderately may-aug foothills upper montane wooded areas field may-aug foothills upper montane occasionally higher may-aug foothills upper montane often dominant dogbanek dogcamomile dogcamomile mayweed dogwood douglas douglas campion douglas dusty maiden douglas douglas knotweed douglas sedge downingia buttercup draba dragonhead drooping drooping woodreed dropseed drummond drummond campion drummond rockcress drummond ducksmeat duckweed dunhead dunhead sedge dusty dwarf dwarf catseye dwarf huckleberry dwarf ninebark dwarf spikerush dyer's dyer's eaton eaton fleabane eaton thistle plantings plantsE pusillum pusillus pygmaea pyramidata pyrola pyrola asarifolia pyrola chlorantha pyrola minor pyrola secunda quamash quercus quercus gambelii quinquefolia racemosa racemosum radiata radicansN ramosissima ramosissimum ranunculus ranunculus adoneus ranunculus alismaefolius ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus arvensis ranunculus circinatus ranunculus cymbalaria ranunculus eschscholtzii ranunculus flabellaris ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus inamoenus ranunculus jovis ranunculus longirostris ranunculus macounii ranunculus orthorhynchus ranunculus repens ranunculus sceleratus ranunculus testiculatus bittercress bitterroot bittersweet bittersweet nightshade black black bindweed black groundsel black locust black medick black mustard black prickly currant black raspberry black-eyed black-eyed susan blackcreeper blackcreeper sedge blackroot blackroot sedge bladder bladderpod blazing blazing blister blister buttercup blite bugloss camas clematis elderberry lettuce mustard foothills 1-1.7 1-1.8 1-1.9 1-10H 1-10-flowered 1-12v 1-15G foothills upper montane streamside under aspen foothills upper montane under aspen valleys upper montane mesic usual valleys cultivated annual occasionally escaping valleys foothills disturbed sites occasi valleys foothills often disturbed sites valleys foothills moist sites valleys foothills fallow fields along roadsi valleys chiefly moist saline alkaline valleys cultivated occasionally escaping valleys disturbed moist sites native eurasia valleys moist lowland meadows alkalin valleys apparently confined alkaline valleys alpine alkaline saline marshes western chokecherry western coneflower western dodder western fiddleneck western field dodder western goldenrod western hawksbeard western holly western jacob's ladder western labrador western larch western larkspur western lettuce western mountain aster western ragweedy western jasmine western sedge western seepweed dichanthelium dicks dictyotum dietr dietrich differG difference differences differences between eurasian north american plants differences between species oregana described different differentiated differently 1-2.5Z Genus Species Family ~ controlNo Frontispiece Photo Location 1 Photo Location 2 Photo Location 3 Photo Location 4 annual biennial simple rarely branched caudex annual biennial slender taproot prostrate erect annual biennial slender taproot stems 1-several annual biennial slender taproot stems erect 0.5-5 annual biennial taproot stems 0.3-3 annual biennial taproot stems erect annual biennial taproot stems solitary 0.2-2 annual biennial taproot stems solitary 0.5-10 annual biennial usually simple caudex surmounting annual biennial stems 0.5-3 erect ascending annual biennial stems 0.5-3.5 simple erect annual biennial stems 0.5-4 simple annual biennial stems 0.5-4.5 4-angled branched annual biennial stems 1-several 0.5-7 slender may-aug valleys subalpine mesic often disturbed sites may-aug valleys upper montane lawns slopes may-aug valleys upper montane moist often distu may-aug valleys upper montane moist places may-aug valleys upper montane frequently saline may-aug valleys upper montane slopes may-julyS 1-6-flowered 1-6.5 1-7-nerved 1-7.5W 1-8.5 1-celled 1-chambered exceededH exceedingF sticky cinquefoil common hairy cinquefoil sticky crazyweed plant elevations sticky currant non-spiny shrub small sticky geranium commonest geraniums tolerating sticky indian paintbrush perennial mountain sticky pilot described bad-smelling sticky-haired sticky-hairy stiff stiff blue-eyed grass occurs texas through mexico 1-numerous 1-seeded 1-severalS perennial simple branched caudex stems 1-several perennial simple branched sometimes woody caudex perennial simple sparingly branched caudex stems perennial simple sparingly branched thick woody perennial simple often branched caudex stems perennial simple sparingly branched woody rootcrow perennial slender rhizome fibrous roots stems perennial slender taproot surmounted caudex shrublet shrubsN shrunk sibbaldia sibbaldia mat-forming subalpine alpine siberiaj siberian siberian reach siberian smelowskia plant mountains sicklepod sicklepod rockcress perennial growing sideC side-to-side sidebells sidebells shinleaf secund wintergreen forms clumps sides sidewalk sideways sierra pentaphylloides floribunda pursh perenne perfoliata perhaps persicaria persicaria amphibia polygonum coccineum persicaria lapathifolia persicaria maculata pestifer petiolare petradoria petrophila phlox phlox gracilis greene piper piperi piperia piperia unalascensis spreng planch planifolia platylobus plebeia twayblade tweedy's tweedy's plantain twin-flower twinberry twincrest twincrest onion twinflower twinleaf twinleaf bedstraw twinpod twinsisters twisted-stalk twistflower two-seed two-seed orach uinta uinta groundsel umbellate umbellate starwort umber umber pussytoes umbrella umbrella starwort umbrellawort united united tansyaster utahQ angelicaQ bladderpod buttercup honeysuckle ivesia juniper milkvetch pickleweed samphire sweetpea valerian valley valley sedge variableleaf variableleaf pondweed variegated variegated clover variegated scouring varileaf varileaf cinquefoil avens clammy clammy groundcherry clammy claret claret clarkia clary clary clasping clasping pepperweed clear-eye cleavers clematis cliff cliff jamesia cliffbrake cliffrose cloud cloud sedge clover cloverhead cloverhead horsemint clustered clustered broomrape clustered cancerroot cobwebby cobwebby goldenweed cocklebur collomia colorado colorado spruce colorado columbine colorado columbia columbia brome columbia groundsel columbia monkshood columbia needlegrass columbine wedgeleaf wedgeleaf draba wedgescale weedy weedy milkvetch westerng western aster western baneberry western bladderpod western chokecherry western coneflower western dodder western fiddleneck western field dodder western goldenrod western hawksbeard western holly western jacob's ladder western labrador western larch western larkspur western lettuce western mountain aster western pansy violet western polypody western ragweedy western raspberry western jasmine western rockjasmine western sedge western seepweed western john's western johnswort varileaf scorpionweed varyleaf varyleaf phacelia veiny veiny velvet-leaf velvetgrass verbena vernal vernal daisy vernal water starwort vervain vetch violet virgin's virginia virginia creeper virginia groundcherry virginia pepperweed virginiacress viscid viscid jacobsladder viscid rabbitbrush barley wallflower PTFRA slightly slimy slits smallB avens clammy clammy groundcherry clammy claret claret clarkia clary clary clasping clasping pepperweed cleavers clematis cliff cliff jamesia cliffbrake cliffrose cloud cloud sedge clover clustered clustered broomrape cocklebur collomia colorado colorado spruce colorado columbine colorado columbia columbia brome columbia groundsel columbia monkshood columbia needlegrass columbine cystopteris filix-mas dryopteris breweri pellaea hesperium polypodium lonchitis scopulinum polystichum aquilinum : pteridium mostly mosty 10-17 10-18 10-18-ribbed 10-19 10-20F 10-21 10-22c 10-25 common sneezeweed common sowthistle common speedwell common spikerush common john's common johnswort common stonecrop common sunflower common threesquare common toadflax common common twinpod common velvetgrass common water plantainG common yampai common yarrows common yellowcress coneflower coralroot cordgrass cordroot cordroot penstemon buttercup gromwell cornbind cornflower corydalis corymbose corymbose cancerroot costmary cotton cottonbatting cottonbatting cudweed cottonwood coulter coulter fleabane coulter's coulter's daisy clover parsnipZ cowcockle coyote coyote willow crabapple crabgrass crack crack willow stolons} stomata stoutD brown-dotted brown-hairy brown-pigmented brown-scaly brown-scurfy brown-tinged brown-woolly brownish brownish-gray brownish-green brownish-membranous brownish-orange brownish-purple brownish-pyrple brownish-red browsing bulblet-bearing bulblets stem-clasping stem-sheathing stemlike 14-18 14-20 7-8.5 7-9-nerved 7.5-11 7.5-8.5 75-150 8-10B -nerved 1obedY 1obes 1ong-tapered 1ower confusing confusion conical conifer conjure conservancy 18-20 18-22 18-28 18-30 18-46 18-50-flowered shrub rounded branched branchlets glabrous shrub stems densely matted white shrub exfoliating stems erect 0.5-2 light shrub exfoliating stems erect ascending 0.5-2 shrubby shrublike sideV sides exposuresN express extend extended extending extends extened extension extensions extensive extensively extents extinct extraordinarily extremelyT exuder faces factors faded fades fading spiraea caespitosa sporobolus sporobolus asperifolius sporobolus gracillimus vasey spreng squarrosa stacey standl stansburiana stansburii stebbinsii steironema steironema ciliatum stenopetala stenopetalum steud steven stricta strictiflora strictum strigosus sturm subcoerulea subcordatumG subglabrata subrigidus subsecundum subspC subtrinervis subvelutinus supina swall sweet sylvestris szweykowski ramosissima@ hairy 2-5-chambered 2-5-cleft 2-5-flowered 2-5-lobed 2-5-rayed forms forward four-fifths fourths fragile fragilis freeB 2-7.5 unusually unwholesome uintah uncertain uncommon underD understory 2.5-10h 2.5-11 2.5-12 2.5-15 2.5-16 2.5-3 2.5-3.5 perennial stout woody simple branched caudex stems perennial taproot simple branched woody perennial taproot ultimately woody usually perennial taproot stems 1-several decumb perennial taproot stems 1-several simple perennial taproot stems 1-several perennial taproot stems 1-several perennial taproot stems 1-several decumbent-ascending perennial taproot stems 1-several mostly ascending perennial taproot stems solitary stout perennial taproot stems usually solita perennial taproot branched woody caudex stems perennial taproot fibrous crown stems perennial taproot without short forked relished reported reports reseeding reservoirs resin restricted ridgesV roadside their westerly westernC western bladderpod ranges foothills alpine western chokecherry common shrub small about western coneflower striking plant yellow plant similar rocky mountain plant yellow columbine grows lower elevations yellow evening-primrose added local yellow lady's slipper widespread eastern yellow monkeyflower common monkeyflower annual yellow nutgrass perennial about inches yellow clover widespread genus occurr yellow prairie violet common sight foothills yellow sweetclover aggressive species yellow water crowfoot aquatic perennial submerged yellow willow shrub small yellow-bearded yellow-brown yellow-flowered yellow-greenO yellow-headed yellow-pink-greenish yellowbells yellowbells early spring flower perennial growi yellowbrown Acknowledgements MiniB lobed/toothed lobeleaf lobeleaf groundsel relatively small inches growing lobesB NAMEA 015-007-m.jpg PTFRA whereN whereas whetherZ Herb, Annual Herb, Biennial Valleys Foothills Midmontane Round, petals free Green Cinquefoil moreal. lanceolate membranous bracts; sepals ovate, 1.5-3 mm long greenish and purple-tinged, persistent; petals rhombic, 2-4 mm long, white or pinkish- to red-tinged, deciduous; stamens 6-9. Achenes (5) 10-20 in a ring, each compressed, 2-2.7 mm long and nearly as wide, the rounded upper back with 2 lateral grooves and a central ridge, the slender beak subterminal, to 0.5 mm long, distinctly recurved. Lej.O&Narrowleaf Water Plantain Grass Alisma AIJune-Aug. Valleys (?) and foothills; in shallow water or stranded in mud. flowersB Macintosh HDj Ealis FPTHAEMacintosh HD:Desktop Folder:Photo Library:Roll 107 JPEG:107-033-m.jpg MSPCA NAMEA 107-033-m.jpg PTFRA alisntly basifixed; ovary superior, 3-chambered, the style slender and elongate with 3 stigmas 1-2 (4) mm long. Fruit a subcylindric capsule 3-6 cm long, rounded at the apex, tapered to the base, seeds numerous. PurshO Dogtooth Violet Glacier Lily turions turned turning turnoff turns tushar twayblade twayblade perennial single tweedy tweedy's tweedy's plantain small perennial mountains twice twigs twinberry twincrest twincrest onion perennial inches twines twinflower twinflower small subshrub low-growing woody stems twining twinleaf twinleaf bedstraw small annual inches stems twinpod twinsisters twinsisters shrubby honeysuckle growing about twist twisted twisted-stalk Wrayed matted maturation mature matures maturity maximumZ 30-100 30-45 30-60 30-80 35-100 limbn linearE pinnate-pinnatifid pinnatelyD W046-034 Aquatic Valleys 046-033 046-034 Common Pepperwort or Water Clover is an aquatic plant which reproduces by spores rather than flowers. It looks like a four-leafed clover floating on the surface. The photographs are of an unidentified species in Texas, which may or may not be the same as our local one. 001-012 4-12g 4-12-flowered 4-12-lobed colorado terrace terrace hills timpanogos timpanogos emerald timpanogos lunch tooele tracks trailr treatment tuscarora tuscarora meadows tushar tushar beaver canyon uintas uintas creek uintas creek uintas mirror topped topping torrey torrey cryptanth another becau torrey growing elevations total touch touching tough towards tower tower mustard distinctive rockcresses townsendia toxicU toxicodendronN toxins traditionals traffic tragic trail trailhead trailing trailng trails hastate onion onlyE 4-9-lobed 4-angled Developer 1 Acknowledgements Mini About Species Mini About Genus Mini About Family Mini Find Plants Mini Glossary More Mini Preliminaries Mini Key Entry Mini Main Choices Mini Find Names Mini @ A Open Full Main Choices Full Find Plants Full Find Names Full Find Match Full Key Entry Full Key Out Full Columns Browse Full Cards Browse Full About Species Full About Genus Full About Family Full Cameo CD Full Photo CD Full Photo Data CD Full Preliminaries Full Glossary More Full Acknowledgements Full roadL roadsW roadsideS roadsidesr roadway 4-winged 4.5-10 4.5-11 4.5-5.5 4.5-6 4.5-7E 4.5-8 40-100-flowered 40-300 45-75 correll johnston follow european workers placing cortex cortinuum corymbs cosmopolitan cottam cottonwood cotula could counterpart counterparts counties county coupled course court` covas covered coville cowania crawford cream creamy creeping crenate crest crested crinkled crispus cristata cristatum cronin cronqc cronqu cronquistG crosses crovello crown crusgalli crustyB cryptogramma ,**** **** **** Help Links Buttons*** Entering Names Find Notes Formal Names Entry Habitat Key Buttons Look for Plants Preliminaries Page Synonyms and Authors Settings +**** **** **** Help Links Fields*** Book Comments Book Common Book Description Book Formal Book Habitat Book Synonyms Botanical Names Card Name Common Names Entry Concurrent Searches Description Names in List Displays User Notes About1 to Full About2 to Full About3 to Full Load Species Show Genus About Show Family About Summary Table words open HD Clear Back -*** **** **** Conditional Menus *** Conditional Genus Conditional Genus Informal Conditional Genus Key Conditional Species Conditional Species Informal Search 2 .&*** **** **** Developer *** Make Common List Option 1 Option 2 6 test more 8#*** **** **** Unused *** x Gloss Pictures shrub small about branches usually shrub twigs often stout bright yellow shrub purple-gray brown smooth shrub branches bearing thorns shrub typically bearing scattered stout shrub young twigs densely white-woolly older shrub young twigs angled mostly whitish glabro shrub young twigs mostly angled glabr shrub reddish brown conspic haven't having\ hawksbeard hawksbeards hawkweed hawthorn hawthorne hawthorns headK branchy branchy groundsmoke grows single-stemmed brandegee brandegee onion shorter preceding being brassica break breaks breathtaking breeding breeze brevicaule brewU brewer's brewer's cliffbrake grows nooks crannies among breweri brewing brian brickellbush bridge bridging bright^ brighter brightest brightly brighton brilliantE bristled bristles bristlyg bristly crowfoot macoun's buttercup common x Refine Find x Refine Name x Refine Match x Search Show Family Detail Show Genus Detail Show Species Details Data CD Data HD Library CD Library HD Elevation Range Flower Color Flower Shape Flowering Time Petal Number Type of Plant Options Check for File Plug-in Register File Plug-in fromC Columns Edit Full Attributes Full Arabis Draba Grass Family Potentilla Salix Scrophs Developer 1 Copy obtained occasionaln occasionallyH occidentalis occupying occur occurrence 4-9-lobed 4-angled 4-celled 4-chambered 4-lobed 4-merous 4-nerved 4-parted 4-rayed 4-ribbed 4-seeded 4-toothed 4-valved 4-winged 4.5-10 4.5-11 4.5-5.5 4.5-6 4.5-7E 4.5-8 40-100-flowered 40-300 45-75 maturing maturityI mealy mealy-scurfy means mechanically mediald median mediumm medium large clone-forming ferns elongate hairy Round, petals free 021-018 003-011 049-027 049-027 saskatoon serviceberry common shadbush deciduous sativah sausage-shaped saw-toothed saxifraga saxifrage scale-like scales scalloped scaly scape scapose scapose camissonia annual about inches scarce scarcely scariosum scarlet scarlet gilia skyrocket gilia familiar plant 6-15Q zigadenus zigadenus elegans zigadenus paniculatus zigadenus venenosus hornsp hornwort horse-nettle horsebrush horsechestnut horsemint horsenettle horseradish horsetail horseweed hound's hound's tongue houndstongue houndstongue hawkweed huckleberry hummingbird hummingbird flower hungarian hutchins hutchins mustard hyacinth hybridm hybrid dogbanem hyssop idaho idaho blue-eyed grass indian_ indian apple indian hempl indian parsley_ indian potatod indian ricegrass inland inland sedge intermediatem intermediate dogbanem intermediate wheatgrass intermounbtain intermounbtain ladies tresses iodine iodine iodinebush island island yellowcress ivesia grows grows about usually shorter plants growthI guatemala guide guidelines gumweed gutierrezia gutter guttiferae habitG habitatI habitatsE hackberry roundish routinely rubber rubella rules runners running rural rush-like rushpink rushpink attractive plant foothills growing rushpink's rushy russet russet buffaloberry grows understory aspen spruce russian 7-9-nerved 7.5-11 7.5-8.5 75-150 R. eglanteria L.r 018-010s 018-011 Magenta White may-aug foothills upper montane moist moderately may-aug foothills upper montane often rocky may-aug middle upper montane rarely higher streamside may-aug midmontane subalpine partial shade mapl@ may-aug valley foothills often rocky may-aug valleys foothills usually shaded places@ may-aug valleys alpine moist sites may-aug valleys midmontane fresh brackish usually may-aug valleys midmontane sometimes alkaline soil@ may-aug valleys subalpine mesic often disturbed sites may-july may-july valleys cultivated occasionally escapin@ may-july chiefly midmontane subalpine streamside 8-40-flowered 8-nerved 8-numerous 8-ribbed 8.5-13 may-aug foothills midmontane places may-aug foothills midmontane streamside other may-aug foothills chiefly grassy slopes may-aug foothills disturbed sitesz may-aug foothills mesic sites often rocky may-aug foothills alpine mesic moist sites streamsi may-aug foothills alpine mesic usually rocky slopes may-aug foothills alpine grassy slopes associa may-aug foothills subalpine shallow water may-aug foothills subalpine mesic sites may-aug foothills subalpine mesic sites may-aug foothills subalpine moderately moist may-aug foothills subalpine moist habitats may-aug foothills subalpine moist sites foothills upper montane moist lily-of-the-valley limber limber linanthus linearleaf linearleaf paintbrush lion's lion's beard lipfern little little barley little gentian little polecat little monkeyflower little sunflower littleaf littleaf brickellbush littlebells littlebells polemonium littleflower littleflower penstemon littlefoot littlefoot mustard neatly nebraska necessarily needL needed needle needle spikerush short perennial inches needlelike needles needs neff's neighbourhood neither pepperweed annual inches netleaf netleaf hackberry shrub nettle nettle-leaved network nevada nevada onion small plant leaves nevavd creeper creeping creeping bellflower widely cultivated plant grown creeping buttercup creeping perennial europe creeping draba annual taproot flowering creeping thistle noxious native eurasia creeping woodsorrel member family peren cress crest crevices crinkledW crinklt crisped criteria cronquist crops cross cross-section cross-shape cross-wise crosses crossovers crowd crowded crowding crowfoot spinelike spinesw spiny| spiny horsebrush about densely spiny milkvetch sounds fierce dainty plant spiny-toothed spiraea spiral spiralling spirally spirals spiranthes spirodela spirodela giant ducksmeat free-flo splash spleenwort rounded growth habit growing wither withered withering phoradendron juniperinum phragmites phragmites australis phylicifolia physalis physalis heterophylla physalis longifolia physalis virginiana physaria physaria acutifolia physaria chambersii physocarpus physocarpus alternans physocarpus malvaceus picea picea engelmannii picea pungens pinnataP pinnatifida pinus pinus contorta pinus flexilis pinus monticola pinus ponderosa piperita plagiobothrys plagiobothrys leptocladus plagiobothrys scouleri plagiobothrys tenellus plantago plantago elongata plantago eriopoda plantago lanceolata plantago major plantago patagonica plantago tweedyi valleys moist mostly sites associ@ valleys foothills exposed often gravelly slop@ marshy@ may-aug chiefly foothills mesic rocky grassy may-aug foothills midmontane places@ may-aug foothills subalpine moist mesic sites rocky may-aug middle upper montane rarely higher streamside may-aug midmontane subalpine partial shade mapl@ may-aug valley foothills often rocky may-aug valleys foothills usually shaded places@ may-aug valleys alpine moist sites@ may-aug valleys midmontane fresh brackish usually may-aug valleys midmontane sometimes alkaline soil@ may-july may-july valleys cultivated occasionally escapin@ may-july chiefly midmontane subalpine streamside july-sept subalpine alpine places mostly july-sept subalpine alpine meadows streamside july-sept subalpine alpine places july-sept subalpine alpine rocky slopes july-sept expected mountains quiet flowin july-sept upper montane along shores mesic july-sept upper montane subalpine often rocky july-sept upper montane subalpine possibly alpine july-sept upper montane alpine dense woods july-sept upper montane alpine meadows jupiter jupiter buttercup kellogg kellogg knotweed kellogg's kellogg's sedge kentrophyta kentucky kentucky bluegrass king's king's aster king's king's ivesia king's lupine king's sandwort king's tansyaster king's yellow-flax kinnikinnick kitchenweed kittentails klamath klamath knapweed knotweed kobresia kobresia sedge labrador laceY lace-fern ladder ladies lady's lady's slipper lambsquarters lanceleaf lanceleaf cottonwood lanceleaf figwort lanceleaf phacelia lanceleaf rockcress lanceleaf springbeauty lanceleaf stonecrop lanszwert's lanszwert's sweetpea may-july valleys midmontane alluvium along waterwa may-july valleys midmontane places may-july valleys midmontane mostly sites circumbor may-july valleys midmontane rarely higher may-july valleys midmontane streamside marshes may-july valleys subalpine fallow fields grassy may-july valleys subalpine mesic often disturbed sites may-july valleys upper montane chiefly sites globules glories glory glory small white occasionally establi glossy goat's goatsbeard goatsbeard latin literally means goat's beard going golden golden aster familiar low-growing inches plant golden chamomile native europe grows about golden currant thornless shrub valleys footh golden annual biennial which grows golden draba giant among drabas inches golden smoke golden corydalis annual biennial golden-orange straightbeak buttercup elevation equivalent straighter strains strange strap-shaped straplike strawberry strawberry clover flowers month period stray streaked streaks streamZ streams streamside streamsides street streets strem stretch stretched stretches strict strictly strike striking strip stripe striped striped coralroot uncommon generally similar striped stripes strips strong strong-smelling brittle brittle bladder brittle brittle prickly broad-leaved broad-leaved cattail broad-leaved clarkia broad-leaved twayblade broadleaf broadleaf arnica broadleaf knotweed broadleaf penstemon broadleaf pepperweed broadleaf plantain brome broncograss brook brook cinquefoil brook saxifrage brookgrass brooklime broom broom huckleberry broom seepweed broom snakeweed broomcorn broomcorn millet broomrape brown brown lady's slipper browse browse milkvetch buckbrush buckhorn buckthorn buckwheat buffalo buffalo buffaloberry bugleweed bugloss bugseed bulblet bulblet bladder bulbous bulbous bluegrass marshy matches mathiasQ may-augb may-aug chiefly foothills mesic rocky grassy may-aug chiefly middle upper montane slopes may-aug foothills midmontane chiefly rocky slopes glabrous perennial clustered fleshy club-shaped glabrous perennial numerous fibrous roots often glabrous perennial roots often tuberous-thickened stems 1-seT glabrous plant fleshy underground glabrous scapose annual leaves basal linear glabrous scapose perennial elongate thickened taprooW glabrous shrub small ascending-sprea glabrous somewhat fleshy fibrous-rooted annual stems hollow glabrous somewhat fleshy perennial 0.5-2.5 marginsE raphanus ratibida rhamnus ribes robinia rorippa rubia rubus rudbeckia rumex ruppia sagina sagittaria salicornia salix salsola salvia sambucus sanguisorba saponaria sarcobatus saxifraga scirpus sclerochloa scrophularia secale sedum selaginella senecio sesuvium setaria shepherdia sibbaldia sidalcea silene sisymbrium sisyrinchium sitanion smelowskia smilacina solanum solidago sonchus sorbus sorghum sparganium spartina spergularia sphaeralcea segmentsQ phragmites physalis physaria physocarpus picea pinus plagiobothrys plantago plectritis polanisia polemonium polygonum polypodium polypogon polystichum populus portulaca potamogeton potentilla primula prunella prunus pseudotsuga psilocarphus psoralea pteridium puccinellia purshia pyrola quercus ranunculus valleys midmontane greasewood communities foothills possibly lower higher elevation chiefly between foothills midmontane mesic sites foothills grassy rocky slopesc foothills upper montane moist reported foothills valleys foothills association sagebrush valleys foothills disturbed moist valleys foothills often disturbed sites plants described above ovalis bigel benson plants described above salebrosa piper jones plants described above shantzii tidest higgin plants described above subacaulescens william plants described above urceolata kuntze yunck Wer:Photo Library:Roll 010 JPEG:010-032-m.jpg MSPCA NAMEA 010-032-m.jpg PTFRA 1-chambered 1-fewF 1-flowered 1-manyR 1-nerved 1-numerous 1-seeded palatableO palate paleC pale-chartaceous pale-margined pale-membranous palea palern palmate floor flora floral floridaj flourish flowerW valleys invading lawns possibly other moist valleys alpine rocky hillsides grassla valleys midmontane greasewood communities valleys midmontane saline alkaline valleys midmontane rarely higher gravell valleys subalpine streamside grassy slope valleys upper montane areas subalp valleys upper montane streamside chiefly middle upper montane often dominant foothills midmontane along streams mesic foothills midmontane slopes openi foothills midmontane streamside foothills chiefly sites often association foothills mesic sites slopes foothills grassy slopes about pansy well-known cultivated plant which sometimes paper papery pappus parasite parasitic parasitising parasitizing parent parentsm parish's parish's spikerush grows inches slender spikelet park] parking parks parkway parnassia parrot's parrotbeak parrotbeak lousewort perennial mountains parry parry goldenweed known parry's goldenrod parry densely growing plant elevations parry's 1.3-1.8 1.3-2 1.3-2.5 1.3-3 1.3-4_ 1.3-5 1.3-6 1.3-7 1.4-1.6 1.4-1.8 1.4-2 1.4-2.1 1.4-2.2 1.4-2.5 1.4-2.7 1.4-3 1.4-3.5 1.4-8.7 1.5-1.8 4-20l 4-5.5 predominately preece prefer preference preferringG preferss prehistoric preliminary prescence presenceQ presents previous previously prickles primarily primary principally{ principle pringle priorU probably^ problems produced produces producing progeny prominently proper properly proposal proposed prostrate prostrate-ascending protection prove provideb provides may-oct may-oct valleys lawns native europe may-oct valleys foothills cultivated sites may-oct valleys foothills mesic disturbed may-oct valleys foothills waste places native may-oct valleys midmontane along waterways under may-oct valleys midmontane disturbed mostly sites may-oct valleys midmontane streamside marshes may-oct valleys upper montane chiefly mesic moist may-oct valleys upper montane alluvium associated may-sept angular 0.3-0 0.3-0.5 0.3-0.6 0.3-0.7 0.3-0.8 0.3-1 0.3-1.1 0.3-1.5 0.3-1.8 0.3-10 0.3-12 0.3-15 0.3-2 0.3-2.2 0.3-2.5 0.3-3R 0.3-3.5 0.3-4P 0.3-4.5 0.3-5 0.3-6 0.3-8 stalks staly stamen stamens staminode standard standardized standing standsU stanley stansbury stansbury cliffrose taller antelope bitterbrush stansbury's stansbury's rock-daisy tap-rooted perennial shrubb staple bethlehem another escaped lilies ivy-leaf duckweed larger common duckweed swertia alpinebog swertia slender perennial star-shaped buttercup ripgut ripgut brome river river hawthorn fleabane goldenrod spiraea rock-daisy rock-parsleyV rockcress rockcress draba rockslide rockslide fleabane rockyB rocky mountain beeplant rocky mountain clematis rocky mountain juniper rocky mountain mapleB rocky mountain pleated gentian threads threatened threatening threeB three-toothed threeleaf threeleaf lewisia fleshy perennial swollen threesquare thrive thrivesC throat through thumb thyme-leaved thyme-leaved spurge typical sprawling member stems tickweed tidy| tidytips tidytips accounts attractive fairly common tight davis deathT deaths debated debilis decandolle deciduous decipiens decision^ decumbent deemed deeply defined defines definite deflexed deformity degree degrees delicate delicatum delimit delimitation delimited delimitingZ delphinium delphinium barbeyi which supposedly differs deltoides demonstrate demonstrated demonstrates dempster dense densely denser departC departure dependence depicts may-sept valleys foothills saline valley may-sept valleys foothills occasionally higher elevat may-sept valleys foothills rarely higher elevations may-sept valleys occasionally montane moist woods may-sept valleys disturbed sites especially along roadsides may-sept valleys alkaline saline iodinebush-gr may-sept valleys alkaline saline may-sept valleys sandy loose sometimes alkaline may-sept valleys moist sometimes alkaline sites may-sept valleys moist mesic disturbed sites native may-sept valleys moist usually disturbed sites often may-sept valleys alkaline greasewood communit may-sept valleys alkaline saline meadows submerged monoecious annual stems slender mostly branched submerged emergent perennial scapes 1-few erect 0.5-3 submerged ultimately free-floating usually monoecious submerged sometimes partially floating aquatic perennial subnaked subopposite suborbicularB suborcicular subovateT subplumose subprostrate ined at full maturity, the apical wings less than 1 mm long and rounded to acute, the st marsh violet perennial areas middle marshfire pickleweed grows around caribbean massive matted@ may-july@ meadow hawksbeard plant wetter habitats meadows mealy@ merely@ michaux's@ mill@ minute@ montane moonwort though occurs widely marsh violet perennial areas middle marsh yellowcress typically erect plant water's marshesF marshfire marshfire pickleweed grows around caribbean marshyE martha massed masses massiveU mat-forming mat-orming mat-plantE matching matchweed matchweed common shrub 12-18 inches along matricaria matricariodes matrimony matrimony shrub about usually apicalk apically apiculatek apiculate-tipped apparent apparently appear sepals Ealis FPTHAEMacintosh HD:Desktop Folder:Photo Library:Roll 049 JPEG:049-020-m.jpg MSPCA NAMEA 049-020-m.jpg PTFRA alis6 mm long; seeds (0)1 on each side of the replum, oval, slightly compressed, about 1.5 mm long. alittle alive alkali alkali birdsbeak small annual saline alkaline alkali bulrush water varying quality alkali mallow dollar another little mallow alkali subshrub growing soils valle alkaline stems 0.2-3 simple sparingly freely annual stems 0.3-1.5 usually numerous slender annual aromatic leaves growing about reassigned agrostis semiverticillatus charming little plant widespread although coarse perennial large dense shrub slender branches emerging fairly short plant commonly inchesa highly variable species leaves ranging large plant coarse leaves 0.5-4 simple erect branched annual stems 0.5-4.5 erect ascending usually annual stems 0.5-5 generally freely branched often annual stems 0.5-5 erect ascending simple long-sheathing^ long-stalked long-tailede long-taperedK long-woolly-hairy tuberous-thickenedT tubersi tubes tubularp tubular-funnelform tubular-sheathing tuftk tufted tufted annual stems ascending-spreading erect ending often annual stems simple erect sparingly butterfield butterfly-shaped butterweed butterweed groundsel growing dense button buttons catenata hederifolia peregrina persica alpine buttercup alpine collomia alpine dusty maiden alpine groundsel alpine alpine milkvetch alpine nerved sedge alpine prickly currant alpine pussytoes} alpine redtop alpine shooting alpine sorrel alpine speedwell alpine timothy alpine tufted phlox alpine willowherb alpinebog alpinebog swertia pennycress alsike alsike clover alumroot alyssum amaranthI american american alkaligrass american bistort american brooklime stent; petals 5, 2-6 mm long; stamens numerous, all with threadlike filaments; ovary inferior; floral tube very short or lacking. Capsule subcylindric, 1-3 cm long and to about 2 mm wide, usually angled, sometimes slightly tapered toward the base, mostly straight, densely rough-hairy; seeds numer perennial slender stout caudex typically bearing perennial slender stout simple branched mostly perennial slender stout simple branched woody perennial stout branched caudex stems 1-several erect perennial stout branched rhizome numerous fibrou perennial stout branching caudex surmounting thicke_ perennial stout elongate fleshy rootstock usually perennial stout fleshy rootstock stems tufted 1.5-10 annual stems erect 0.5-2 threadlike nearly annual stems erect 0.5-5 simple branched above stems erect 0.5-5 simple branched above stems erect 0.5-5 simple branched above stems erect 0.5-5 simple branched above stems decumbent below ascending above often abrup annual stems erect 0.5-5 simple branched above myriophyllum myriophyllum spicatum myrsinites myuros najas najas guadalupensis narcissusL narcissus pseudo-narcissusL nardina nasturtium nasturtium officinale nauseosus navarretia navarretia breweri nebrascensis neglecta negundoD nemophila nemophila breviflora nemorosa neomexicana nepeta nepeta cataria nephrophylla nervosa neurophora nevadense nicotiana nicotiana attenuata niger nigra nigrum nitens nivalis nodosus norvegica nutans nutkana nuttalliana nuttallianum nuttalliib oblongifolia the middle, the lobes shorter than the fruit. Fruit vertical, moderately laterally compressed to subglobose, the pericarp of the dried fruit thin and tightly adherent to the seed; seeds to about 1 mm toadflax tobacco tolmie tolmie clover toothed toothed spurge torrey torrey alkaligrass torrey cryptantha torrey tower tower mustard townsendia treacle treacle mustard tree-of-heaven trefoil tresses trisetum tuber tuber starwort tufted tufted evening primrose tufted fleabane tufted hairgrass tumblingI tumbling pigweedI twayblade tweedy tweedy plantain twincrest twincrest onion branched annual stems erect ascending branched annual stems erect decumbent occasionally prostrate annual stems erect decumbent-ascending annual stems erect decumbent-ascending simple annual stems erect often trailing often supported W015s 092-012 Red bracts Orange bracts Herb, Annual Valleys August porter portionQ position positon possibility possible possibly post-glacial potamogeton potamogeton illinoensis morong which enter potentilla potentilla fruticosa belongs group fruticosae disting pouched powell practical practically praealtus pratensis pre-linnaean precludes predates predominantly preece prefer preference preferringG preferss prehistoric preliminary prescence presenceQ presents previous previously prickles primarily primary principally{ principle pringle plantsB plants western cordillera canada blades stems sheaths blades non-ciliate non-glandular non-hairy non-jointed non-scaly nonclasping nonclawed noncultivated nonexistent nonfruiting nonglaucous nonrevolute nonseptate normal northG north american extreme eastern asian plants described north american material generally referred subrigi north american plants differing european phase northeastern northernS northwest northwestern^ norvegica rarely purple anthersd purple spots purple tinge purple veins purple veins tinge purple-blue purple-brown purple-brown bracts bracts calyx calyx veins red-purple spots tinge veins violet pyramidata qualitative quantitative quantitatively quantitatjve quantity question questionable quinquefolia quite racemes racemosa races rachis radicatum Ealis FPTHAEMacintosh HD:Desktop Folder:Photo Library:Roll 037 JPEG:037-015-p.jpg MSPCA NAMEA 037-015-p.jpg PTFRA origin originating ornamental theme then@ therefore@ these rather sprawling plants foothills they@ thick@ third@ annual aromatic leaves growing about large plant comm@ commonly native habitats largest commonest biscuitroot reaching plant referred tamarix parviflora@ those@ threadlike threads@ throughout@ tightly times@ tissue@ toad@ toe-hold topped@ toxic trailside@ trefoil@ tufted@ tune@ twistflower@ typical typically@ umber@ under@ underway@ until@ unusually@ thelypodiopsis themE theme themselves green green-blue green-brown green-purple green-red green-white green-yellow lavender lavender tinge lavender-pink magenta white white white typicallyC officinalis 1942B 1944-45V 1945^ 1950's 1952C 052-031s 052-032t 060-012 Magenta Herb, Perennial [#Midmontane Upper Montane Subalpine \ May Round, petals free ~/2001 052-031 description arnow edition description cronquist description welsh descriptions deserve deserving desiccatum designated desired desmaraisC detail detailed detect detectable detected developB developed developmentb developmental dewey diagnostic diandrus dibotryon dietr dietrich differG difference differences differences between eurasian north american plants differences between species oregana described different differentiated above spelling generic tutin above spelling species accordance july-sept valleys foothills chiefly streamside native july-sept valleys foothills generally rooted shallow july-sept valleys foothills disturbed sites nativ july-sept valleys foothills often disturbed somet july-sept valleys foothills mesic disturbed july-sept valleys foothills moist generally july-sept valleys foothills moist often sandy july-sept valleys foothills moist alkaline july-sept valleys foothills moist disturbed sites july-sept valleys foothills moist mostly disturbed july-sept valleys foothills ponds drying july-sept valleys foothills sometimes saline style stylesI weedy well-drained well-established well-vegetateds welsh westernJ orangeN leaves leaves coarse overall numerous short thick leaves deciduous including petiole leaves deciduous solitary including leaves deciduous glabrous occasionally minutely hairy leaves emergent floating totally submerged arising leaves evergreen 0.5-3 including petiole leaves evergreen essentially glabrous about leaves evergreen glabrous about overall viola adunca viola arvensis viola beckwithii viola canadensis viola nephrophylla viola nuttallii viola odorata viola palustris viola purpurea viola tricolor virgatum virginiana virginicum viride viridis viridula viscida viscidiflorus viscosissimum viscosum viviparum vulgare vulgaris watsonii wheeleriQ whippleanus wolffia wolffia punctata wolfii woodsia woodsia oregana woodsia scopulina woodsii wormskjoldii wrightii wyethia wyethia amplexicaulis xanthifolia xanthium xanthium strumarium xanthocephalum xanthocephalum sarothrae zannichellia zannichellia palustris elegans zigadenus paniculatus zigadenus venenosus tolerant tips; stigma globose or nearly so. Capsule ovoid, 3-4 mm long, shorter than the calyx, 2-chambered, the valves often remaining attached at the base, seeds 1-many in each chamber, oblong, 1.5-2 mm long, flattened, brown, some with thickened, inflexed margins. ^)Round, tubular Irregular, petals joined 7/5/2001 036-026 occurs october ocurs odd-shaped oddities odorU oenothera whereZ which widely widespread wiens willow winter withB basal baseO based bases basic basically basinb basketY basket-making bastard bastard toadflax perennial plant creeping habit botswana bottles bottom bottomsC boulder boulders boulevard bouncing bouncing native southern europe grows boundaries bountiful bower bowl-shaped bowls boxelderC spreading fleabane cleanly daisy relative spreadingpod spreadingpod rockcress short single spreads sprig springa spring draba annual taproot flowering spring-flowering spring-parsleyV springbeauty springparsleyW springs springtime sprouting sprouts spruce spurge spurs square squarrosa squashed squaw sread stacked staff stageY staircase active actual actuallyE adams added addition addsa adjacent adopt adorning adversely aerialR affected affecting afield africaE african african mustard widespread great basin afterM afternoon again against 011-016 011-020 012-015 012-027 012-035 013-001 013-008 013-036 014-006 014-008 014-011 014-012 014-018 014-025 015-001 015-002 015-008 015-009 015-018 015-019 015-023 015-031 015-032 015-033 015-036 016-001 016-002 016-008 016-012 016-019 016-021 016-023 016-025 016-026 016-032 017-003 017-008 017-013 017-015 017-016 018-001 018-007 018-010 018-013 018-020 018-023 018-027 018-029 018-030 018-033 018-035 018-036 019-008 020-010 described hitchcock plants schul described contemporary floras japonicus commut plant matures toxic alkaloid content increases ascending ascending-spreading asian asiatica aspen asper asperrimum asperulum asperum assess assign^ assigned assigning assigns association assumption aster aster eatonii known hybridize foliaceus where aster foliaceus known hybridize occidentalis aster hesperius closely related perhaps specif asters asymmetrical margins margirally maritima marked markedly^ marking markings marsilea masses mat-forming} mat-forming densely tufted perennial short horizon mat-forming dioecious perennial branched often woody mat-forming dioecious perennial leafy stolons stems mat-forming dioecious perennial leafy stolons stems clustered clustered broomrape fleshy parasitic plant inches clusteringp clustersB W-fir, spruce-fir, and mountain brush, occasionally on moist open slopes. 095-031Wk windflower windmill windmill grass winged winged thistle winter winter bluegrass winter vetch wintercress winterfat wintergreen wiregrass wisp-weed witchgrass wolf's wolf's currant wolf's trisetum wolffia axisD backF whoseG wideM widens june-aug midmontane subalpine meadows streamsi@ june-aug midmontane subalpine moist wooded slopes june-aug midmontane subalpine mountain brush june-aug subalpine alpine rocky slopes ledges@ june-aug subalpine alpine often rocky slopes@ june-aug upper montane alpine moist crevices june-aug upper montane alpine exposed rocky ridges june-aug valleys along roadsides fallow fields native@ june-aug valleys foothills disturbed sites especially june-aug valleys foothills disturbed sites native june-aug valleys foothills marshes meadows june-aug valleys lower foothills usually disturbed june-aug valleys cultivated occasionally escaping june-aug valleys shallow standing slow-moving oving oving oving oving june-aug midmontane alpine slopes exposed june-aug midmontane alpine slopes june-aug midmontane alpine exposed slopes ridges june-aug midmontane alpine moist often rocky slopes june-aug midmontane alpine moist slopes along streams june-aug midmontane alpine rocky slopes june-aug midmontane alpine streamside meadows june-aug midmontane subalpine chiefly crevices june-aug midmontane subalpine chiefly exposed rocky june-aug midmontane subalpine moist alluvium along june-aug midmontane subalpine moist meadows under june-aug midmontane subalpine moist sites often june-aug midmontane subalpine montane lakes circumbore june-aug midmontane subalpine talus crevic june-aug midmontane subalpine generally place stems stems loosely densely tufted leaves chiefly stems arising intervals along stout fleshy stems 1.5-6 loosely densely tufted short aspenZ sites slightlym branches branchingT branchletsO radiating ragged raiseds range rangingt ranks rareiy rarelyB alaskan albertina albescens album aligned alkaloid alkaloids species nicotiana probably contain highly toxic alleged allied allies almost alnifolia alone along alpestre alpina alpine alpinum alternans alternative perennial branching taproot surmounted perennial caudex consisting slender rhizome-l perennial deep-seated onion-like membr perennial fibrous-rooted horizontal suberect perennial horizontal rhizome stems 1-several perennial mostly woody crown stems 0.6-2 perennial branched-caudex taproot perennial much-branched woody caudex perennial rhizome-like stems densely tufted perennial rough-barked stout taproot surmounted perennial short caudex numerous fleshy perennial short rhizome several rather perennial short simple branched caudex chamber chambersii chamissonis change changed changes chapman characterK characteristic characteristics characterize characterized charactersB chartaceous chase chemical cherries chieflyN chilean petals racemelike racemesD beginning begins behind bell-shapedi glanddotted glandless glandlike glands seeds seeking seeming@ sending@ separate@ several severe@ shed@ shiny draba annual short-lived perennial flowering short short-lived shortstyle@ showiest showy@ shrublet@ sides sierra clover wormskjold's clover clover pere@ silky silverscale@ similar heartleaf arnica hairy@ single-sexed@ slender slender hawksbeard perennial growing inches slow-moving@ small small alyssum horrid little mustards that@ smaller rubber rabbitbrush rounded shrub grows sections secund secunda comment under caerulea comment under confinis comment under rubella comment under sativa comment under ciliatus comment under album comment under cowania comment under engelmannii comment under grayi comment under helianthella uniflora comment under canescens comment under concinna comment under diversifolia comment under engelmannii july-aug middle upper montane moderately july-aug middle upper montane sites streamside july-aug middle upper montane slopes july-aug middle upper montane usually meadows july-aug middle upper montane usually under shrubs along july-aug midmontane dense woods mostly july-aug midmontane dense shade aspen-fir known july-aug midmontane slopes july-aug midmontane alpine places geograp july-aug midmontane alpine mesic meadows july-aug midmontane alpine slopes july-aug midmontane subalpine along streams meadows july-aug midmontane subalpine dense woods meado beyond klemmedson known lactuca laevigatum lakes lands large subalpine subject submergedG subsp subtropical summer summit summitss surface surfaces swallen sympatric taluss taproot tectorum temperate tentative expanding explosively exposed exposing exsertedq external externally extremely exudingP faced faces facets fading fails failure faint terminal sheath-forming@ simple@ sterile@ stigmas@ temporarily@ toward@ umbel@ uniformly@ woody stems sprawling climbing occasionally short@ common ragweed@ heath@ thyme-leaved spurge@ foothills alpine slopes oak-sagebr@ valleys foothills occasionally above valleys foothills slopes often cultivated occasionally escaping established especia@ exposure@ july-aug valleys along waterways roadsides native july-sept chiefly midmontane subalpine woods meadow@ july-sept valleys disturbed sites native great@ june@ june-aug foothills alpine slopes oak-s@ june-aug midmontane subalpine meadows streamsi@ june-aug valleys shallow standing slow-moving rhombic@ rigid@ root@ rootless rootstock@ rose-red rotate@ rounded rounded shrub usually stems typically samaras@ scabrous-roughened@ scaly@ scapose glabrous aromatic perennial taproot crow@ scapose perennial fibrous roots usually poorly develo@ scarlet scattered scum@ seedless@ seeds segments@ seldom@ sepals separate@ serrate@ serving@ sessile several several-lobed@ shallowly shape@ sheath o Library:Roll 024 JPEG:024-036-m.jpg MSPCA NAMEA 024-036-m.jpg PTFRA alisi rhombicF rhombic-ovateK rhombic-triangular rhomboid ribbedh ribbonlikeH ribsR ridgeF ridged{ ridgesG rightR wintergreen wiregrass wiregrass arctic perennial growing wisconsin wisp-weed wisp-weed annual native europe first discove wisps wispy withB bistort about above~ above-ground abovegroundW abruptly absence absent absolute abundance abundant` abundantly acacia academic acaulis accasionally accesible accessible accidentally according accounts accuratelyE achene achenes acorn acorns acquaintance acres several shadeN shadedW shadscale shadym shallowF 133-023 133-029 133-035 134-002 134-010 134-016 134-020 134d-02 134d-20 134d-27 134d-32 134d-36 000-022 0001-19 0001-23 001-023 001-029 002-013 002-014 002-020 003-014 003-032 003-037 004-007 004-017 004-022 004-028 004-031 004-036 005-008 005-010 005-026 006-009 006-013 006-032 007-002 007-013 007-019 007-033 008-002 008-027 008-030 009-002 009-004 009-017 009-026 009-028 009-034 009-036 010-005 010-007 010-012 010-017 010-019 010-024 011-002 011-006 011-014 011-017 011-023 011-024 012-008 012-010 012-024 012-028 012-030 013-005 013-007 013-018 013-020 013-021 013-023 013-030 013-035 014-016 014-017 014-021 perennial Wailed at the ends. Wikstr.O Swordleaf Rush A3June-Sept. Valleys to upper montane; in wet places. indicator indigenous individualY underway undesirable undisturbed undivided unequal uneven unevenly unexpected unfold unfurl unfurling unidentified uniflora uniflorum uniform uniformly unique unisexual united united tansyaster longer thought range universal university unknown unless unlikeO unlikely unlobed unmistakable unmistakeable unmixed unnoticed unobtrusive unpalatable unreal unrelated unstable unsure unsuspecting untidy perennial parasite bowl-shaped bract Wtbract malodorous scapose perennial short thick malodorous taprooted annual stems erect procumbent 1.5-10 many-barbed many-branched many-flowered many-groovedN many-headed many-nerved many-septate marginJ marginal marginally margined 18-20 18-22 18-25 18-28 18-30 18-46 18-50-flowered 1nerved bractlike leaves common selfheal common sowthistle common spikerush common john's common sunflower common threesquare common common twinpod common velvetgrass common yampai common yarrows coneflower coralroot cordgrass cordroot cordroot penstemon speedwell cornflower corydalis corymbose corymbose cancerroot costmary cottonbatting cottonbatting cudweed cottonwood cranesbill crazyweed creepingp creeping bellflower creeping bentgrass creeping buttercup creeping draba creeping milkweedp creeping thistle creeping wildrye creeping woodsorrel cress crested crested wheatgrass crowfoot crowfoot grass cryptanth cryptantha cucumber paired pairsh palatable palate palces highway hikers hiking hills hillsidesM himself hippopotamogeton hippopotamus history hitch hoary hoary tansyaster widespread western adjacent hollow holly holly-like hollyhock hollyhock well-known garden plant which occasionally homeE homeland homesites homogeneous honey honeysuckle honoring hood's valleys midmontane greasewood communities valleys midmontane mesic moist sites strea valleys midmontane occasionally higher chiefly valleys midmontane often dominant valleys midmontane streamside springs valleys midmontane usually moist shady places valleys upper montane under aspen stream chiefly midmontane often partial shade foothills midmontane vernally moist meadows foothills midmontane slopes foothills midmontane vernally moist slopes foothills midmontane streamside under foothills midmontane streamside often associ alpine shooting alpine speedwell alpine timothy alpine willowherb alsike alsike clover alumroot alyssum american american alkaligrass american bistort american bugleweed american dragonhead american licorice american maidenhair american mannagrass american mountain american american sloughgrass american threesquare american vetch american anemone anemone angelicaP anne'sY annualv annual agoserisv annual bluegrass annual hairgrass annual jacobsladder annual wheatgrass antelope antelope bitterbrush apera apple arctic androsace septentrionalis androsaemifoliumk anemone anemone multifida anemone parviflora anemone quinquefolia angelicaP angelica pinnataP angelica wheeleriQ angustifolia angustifolium annua annuus anomalus anserina antennaria} antennaria alpina} antennaria corymbosa~ antennaria dimorpha antennaria rosea antennaria umbrinella anthemis anthemis cotula anthemis tinctoria antirrhina aparine apera apera interrupta apetalus apocynumk pygmyflower pygmyflower jasmine quackgrass quail quail plant quaking quaking aspen queenY queen anne's laceY quillwort rabbitbrush rabbitfoot rabbitfoot grass ragweedx raspberry rat-tail rat-tail fescue rattlesnake rattlesnake chess rattlesnake plantain raynold's raynold's sedge alumroot clover elderberry goosefoot orach northern sweetvetch northern willowherb norway norway cinquefoil nutgrass nuttall nuttall aster nuttall sandwort nuttall's nuttall's flaxflower nuttall's mariposa nuttall's sunflower nuttall's violet o'clock oatgrass oblongleaf oblongleaf bluebells oceanspray old-man's old-man's beard oleaster olive olney's olney's threesquare one-flower one-flower cancer-root one-seeded one-seeded hawthorn onehead onehead sunflower oneseed oneseed hawthorn onespike onespike oatgrass onion oniongrass opposite opposite stonecrop orach oranget 105-005 105-010 105-033 106-001 106-003 106-004 107-015 107-029 107-031 107-034 108-014 108-023 109-004 109-024 109-032 110-031 111-033 112-006 112-012 112-015 112-022 112-026 113-002 113-023 113-037 113-050 114-025 115-023 116-004 116-013 116-034 117-002 119-021 120-002 120-012 120-013 120-016 120-017 120-023 120-029 121-018 121-021 121-030 121-033 121-036 122-002 122-007 122-019 123-002 123-007 123-012 123-014 123-022 123-024 123-026 123-028 123-031 124-015 124-029 125d-08 125d-13 125d-20 125d-45 127-012 127-026 127-031 129-003 129-006 129-017 129-034 130-009 130-011 130-016 130-036 131-004 131-016 131-018 131-024 annual biennialS slender rockjasmine slender spikerush slender tarweed slender wheatgrass slender woodland slenderbeak slenderbeak sedge slenderlobe slenderweed stinging nettle slimleaf slimleaf goosefoot slimleaf wallrocket slimstem slipper slope slope sedge sloughgrass small small alyssum small bedstraw small collomia small popcorn flower small-flower small-flower penstemon small-flowered small-flowered tamarisk small-leafP small-leaf angelicaP small-leaf rockcress small-leavedP small-leaved angelicaP small-seeded small-seeded alfalfa dodder again aggregated albino aleppicum aligned alike august pimples pincushion pincushion plant occurs throughout intermountain region pineapple pineapple grows inches often remai pinkk pink-magenta pink-purple pink-tinged round petals burlikeu benth benth bernh berth berth kuntze besser bickn bigel blake bluff boott boott borner bowden britt britton brown buckl bunge ledeb hitchc steud pondweed dwarf pondweed stems bachelor's back-curved backdrop backed berchtoldii besser bessey biflora bigel bigelovii bistorta bistorta vivipara bjorkman blake blckn blitoides bluegrass boiss boivin bolanderi boothii boott boreale borealis borkh brachycarpa brachycera brachyphylla bracteata brand brevifolius brevipes brevistylum breweri britt britton brodiaea brodiaea douglasii grandiflora macbr bromoides bromopsis bromopsis anomala fourn holub porteri coult holub bromus bromopsis ciliaia holub bromopsis inermis leyss holub bromus pumpellianus scribn bromopsis vulgaris holub green greenland grindelia groundU growing habitat habitations habitats hallucinogen halophytic harrison having hawksworth heavilyt heavy hemispheres higherP pointed points poisonousT pollen pollen-receptive pollination pollinia pollinium polygamo-dioecious| polygamo-monoecious polygamousC polygamous shrub crown generally polygamous taprooted annual stems erect procumbent polymorphic pomes poorly poory pores portionC showyq showy fleabane oregon daisy notable trailside plant showy goldeneye quite common plant foothills shrinks shrubB shrub slender branches aromatic leaves shrubbyN shrubby bedstraw perennial woody rootstock stems shrubby cinquefoil yellow tundra suitable cklepod rockcress perennial growing sideC 1-3.5n 060-012 060-013 060-016 060-023 061-001 061-006 061-017 061-018 061-019 061-025 061-030 062-004 062-012 062-015 063-001 063-011 063-013 063-027 064-003 064-007 064-011 064-012 064-020 064-036 065-007 065-012 065-031 066-017 066-028 069-003 069-007 069-018 069-025 069-037 070-014 070-020 070-022 070-036 071-026 071-037 072-007 072-011 072-013 072-019 072-020 072-025 072-028 073-006 073-011 073-013 073-019 073-020 074-026 074-032 074-034 074-035 074-036 075-008 075-014 075-019 075-022 075-023 075-029 076-003 atkin-bearing catkins caudatus caudexU achenes acorn acrosso actually july-augE july-aug chiefly middle upper montane densely wooded july-aug chiefly subalpine alpine moist sites known july-aug foothills midmontane moist sites july-aug foothills midmontane meadows streamside july-aug foothills midmontane rocky slopes july-aug foothills midmontane streamside meadQ july-aug foothills alpine chiefly crevices july-aug foothills subalpine meadows july-aug foothills subalpine slopes under longspine longspine sandbur unusual spikelets surro longstalk longstalk starwort perennial found midmontane longstyle longstyle somewhat flattened stems longtooth longtooth sweetpea sweetpea handsome native looce lookW lookalikes looked -002-m.jpg PTFRA alisa fruticosa PotentillaB glandulosa ROSACEAE hairy. L.O*Shrubby Cinquefoil Yellow Rose Tundra RosePMJune-Aug. Midmontane to subalpine; on dry or mesic, open slopes. Circumoreal. june-aug valleys shallow standing slow-moving cellular centerH centered centralF centrally chaffyq chainlike chamber june-aug valleys shallow standing slow-moving june-aug valleys often alkaline places june-aug valleys often saline sites scattered through june-aug valleys rarely subalpine mostly mesic june-aug valleys alpine moist places readows june-aug valleys midmontane along waterways fallow june-aug valleys midmontane along waterways marshes june-aug valleys midmontane generally moist sites june-aug valleys midmontane disturbed sites native june-aug valleys midmontane disturbed sites june-aug valleys midmontane sites frequently june-aug valleys midmontane mesic mostly grave-myrtle aster groundsel horsebrush kentrophyta molly thistle gray's gray's pepperplant grayleaf grayleaf willow graylocks graymolly greasewood great great basin centaury great basin wildrye greatern greater periwinklen greater seaspurrey green green bristlegrass green cinquefoil green gentian green needlegrass green shinleaf green spleenwort greenish greenish wintergreen greenland greenland bluegrass greenleaf greenleaf bluebells greenmolly gromwell ground ground ground-cherry groundcherry groundsel groundsmoke groundweed grouseberry praeceptorum praegracilis pratense pratensis primula primula parryi procerus procumbens proserpinacoides prostrata prunella prunella vulgaris prunus prunus americana prunus persica prunus virginiana pseudacorus pseudo-narcissusL pseudoacacia pseudotsuga pseudotsuga menziesii psilocarphus psilocarphus brevissimus psilostachyay psoralea psoralea lanceolata pteridium pteridium aquilinum pubescens puccinellia puccinellia distans puccinellia fasciculata puccinellia nuttalliana pudica pulchellum pulcherrimum pulverulenta pulvinata pumila pumilus punctata pungens purpurascensX purpurea purpureum purshia purshia tridentata leafy spurge native eurasia noxious learn learned least least lewisia pygmy perennial plant basal rosett leatheryC leavea leavesB purplishX purplish-brown purplish-gray pustulose pustulose-based pyramidal quadrangular quickly quite racemeD lacking lackinq lance-cylindric lance-elilptic lance-ellipsoid lance-elliptic lance-linear lance-oblongM vermiculatus verna veronica veronica americana veronica anagallis-aquatica veronica arvensis veronica biloba veronica catenata veronica hederifolia veronica peregrina veronica persica veronica serpyllifolia veronica wormskjoldii verrucosumE verticillata vesca vestita vicia vicia americana vicia ludoviciana vicia villosa viciifolia viguiera viguiera ciliata viguiera multiflora villosa vincan vinca majorn vinca minoro viola tall-growing tallerI tallest talus tamarisk tamarix tanectum tangle tansy tansyaster tansyasters tap-rooted taperedo tapertip tapertip hawksbeard perennial inches leaves tapertip onion commonly encountered range onion-like onlyp opening opens fineleaf pondweed dwarf mistletoe firechalice fireweed fireweed fiddleneck fishscale fishscale sedge fitweed fitweed corydalis fivehooks fivehooks bassia fivestar fivestar miterwort flannel flannel mullein flat-sedge flat-topped flat-topped cancerroot flattop~ flattop pussytoes~ flaxflower fleabane fleece fleece flower portion portions position possiblyZ posterior pouch pouched pouches pouchlike presence presentR pressed pressing previous prickle prickles leaves mountain pondweed mountain larch mountain lilac mountain lover mountain meadow groundsel mountain mustard mountain pepperplant mountain pepperweed mountain pussytoes mountain rabbitbrush mountain rock-parsleyV mountain sheepsorrel mountain snowberry mountain sorrel mountain spray mountain spring-parsleyV mountain strawberry mountain tarweed traditionally trailingn transecting translucent transparent transparent-membrano transverseT transverse-septate traversed treeB 12-30 crown broad furrowed young twigs woolly-hair narrowly pyramidal crown occasio twigs slender brownish olive green crown irregular narrowly pyramidal lanceolate lanceolate-ovate ns Cystraight or nearly so, the faces minutely pitted, the margins sometimes narrowly winged, the wing broadest near the apex. L.O$Water Starwort Vernal Water Starwort AiJuly-Sept. Foothills to subalpine; in slow streams, in wet meadows, and along lake margins. Circumboreal. shiny draba annual short-lived perennial flowering shoestrings shooting shoots shore shore arrowgrass maritime arrowgrass quite striking shore downingia small hairless annual hollow stems shoreline shorer shortW Wthills to subalpine; in slow streams, in wet meadows, and along lake margins. Circumboreal. August Round, petals free 7/4/2001 junction junctions piter justC kalmia kamas kamchatka katherine species thought introduced north species non-jointed styles placed taxon referred tutin subsp dalmatic taxon treated hulten conspecific taxon restored species transcontinental species divided number thomas thompson thompson reduces pauciflorum radicatum synon thoseG thought threadlikea threatened three thrive throat through throughoutC thuill thunb thurberiana north american extreme eastern asian plants described north american plants differing european phase numbers@ occasional@ occurs@ official officinale often@ collection davis county combines stout taproot open@ orbicular@ material segregated races alpinum colorless column combinationm commentm commissurald simple simplw singleB singly sinus sinusesB sites situated sizeN sized slanted slanting 3-4.5 oleraceus oligosperma orcuttiana oregana oreophilus orientale orientalis orthoceras orthorhynchus oryzoides osteosperma ovalifolium ovina pachystachya pallida palmeri palustre palustris paniculatus parishii parryi parthenium parviflora parviflorum parviflorus parvifolia parvula patagonica patens patientia patula pauciflora pauciflorus paucifolius pectinacea pectinatus pedatum pensylvanica pentagona pentandra peplus peregrina peregrinus perelegans perennans perenne perennis perfoliata perfoliatum perforatum persica persicaria petasata phaeocephala phylicifolia pinnata pinnatifida piperita plantago-aquatica platyphyllus monticola montigenum moschatus muhlenbergia muhlenbergia asperifolia muhlenbergia filiformis multifida multiflora multiflorum multilobatus multiradiata munita muralis murinum muscari muscari botryoides myosurus myosurus apetalus myosurus minimus myuros najas najas guadalupensis narcissusL narcissus pseudo-narcissusL nardina nasturtium nasturtium officinale nauseosus navarretia navarretia breweri nebrascensis neglecta negundoD nemophila nemophila breviflora nemorosa neomexicana nepeta nepeta cataria nervosa neurophora nevadense nigra nitens nivalis nodosus nutans nuttalliana nuttallianum nuttalliib oblongifolia tissue tissue-paper conical connected connective sites slightly slopes@ slow@ soils@ sporadic@ standing stands states@ streamside@ suaeda subalpine@ subject submerged than@ this@ tolerant totally@ uintah@ understory unknown@ upper upper montane subalpine shallow water pools usually utah@ valley@ valleys valleys moist areas loose soil@ valuable water@ weber weedy@ within@ zone@ 1936@ 1961@ 1971@ 1973@ 2-15@ distinctive population combining features species continuous sheep shores shrub shrubby shrubs siberia sidewalk sierra-cascade sightings since single sitesI W 5-6.5 cm in diameter, with long, slender spines. RegelO*Sacred Datura Indian Apple Angel's Trumpet dmtall dolabriform dome-shaped domelike rarely cornflower corollak associationsB aster asteraceae benth coult rose^ greene jones kuntze weber weber weber wiggers weinm wheeler wherry wherry cronq wiggers wight wikstr wilid willd stigma crisp-pubescent crispy-hairy` quist cross-joined cross-wrinkled crossed crosswallst differenceN differencesR differentV differentleaf differentleaf sphaeromeria low-growing subshrub about differently differingY differs\ differs fernleaf lovage frequently having difficulte difficulty diffuse diffuse groundsmoke added species short short-hairy short-leved short-lived short-stalked shortere shortlived shortstem shortstem buckwheat gray's essentially miniature shortstem lupine annual lupine bloomimg shortstem buckwheat perennial about inches cupped curled curly current curve curvedl reduces diffusa synonymy having demonstrated kochia koehne koeleria komarov kruckeberg kuntze lacerate-pinnate laciniata lacking lactiflorum lactuca lactuca pulchella north america differ significa laetevirens material segregated races alpinum material referred delicatum cronq material often treated including several freely plants apparently differ eurasian debilis plants generally referred utahensis gould plants referred watsonii dempster ehrend plants subsp juniperinum parasitic juniperus plants pennell cronq differing plants hortensis derived predominate plants leonardii johnst calyx plants sagittatum welsh reveal plants described above appear subsp foliosa plants described above extremely varia plants described above amplectens holmii cylindric-ovoid cylindric-quadrangul brighton trail brighton martha brighton trail bully bully creek malheur butte butterfield butterfield canyon cacheI cache valley hyrum lakeI campground canyon centerville centre usually usually robust perennial ultimately woody rhizomes orach orangeC orange sneezeweed coarse perennial orange-red orchard orchard grass non-native perennial grass estab orchid ordinary oregonF oregon checkermallow widespread perennial oregon grape familiar plant underbrush oregon woodsia small leaves growing oregonwoodsia organized oriental oriental clematis woody which grows aggressively oriental poppy spectacular orange orientation oriented origin original round wilid dougl dougl benth dougl benth dougl dougl dougl dougl lindl dougl dougl lawson dougl dougl dougl greene dougl lindl dougl raven dougl dougl dumort dunal durand ledeb nels~ eastw eastw gentry emend emory engelm engelm engelm engelm small britt brown 003-028 003-032 003-037 004-001 004-002 004-007 004-017 004-022 004-028 004-031 004-036 005-010 005-026 006-009 006-013 006-032 006-036 007-002 007-013 007-019 007-033 008-002 008-027 008-030 009-002 009-004 009-017 009-028 009-034 009-036 010-005 010-007 010-012 010-017 010-022 010-024 011-002 011-006 011-014 011-017 011-023 011-024 012-002 012-008 012-010 012-024 012-028 012-030 013-005 013-007 013-018 013-020 013-021 013-023 013-030 013-035 014-016 014-017 014-021 014-026 015-003 015-007 015-011 015-014 015-017 015-021 015-029 016-005 016-006 016-007 016-011 016-013 016-015 016-016 016-031 016-034 016-035 017-006 017-012 018-003 018-004 taller deflexedd june-aug midmontane subalpine meadows streamsi june-aug midmontane subalpine woods exposed june-aug midmontane subalpine mostly shady places june-aug midmontane subalpine mesic slopes june-aug midmontane subalpine moist wooded slopes june-aug midmontane subalpine streamside conifer fores june-aug midmontane subalpine under aspen aspen-fir june-aug midmontane subalpine under aspen-fir spruce- denseM denselyK glabrous perennial taproot tuberous roots glabrous perennial taproot stems 1-several decumbent glabrous perennial taproot stems 1-several erect glabrous perennial usually deep-seated globose glabrous perennial elongate rhizomes stems glabrous perennial slender rhizomes nearly leafless glabrous perennial solitary fascicled fusiform tuberi glabrous perennial short stout rootstock floweri glabrous perennial short thick scaly rhizome labrous perennial roots often tuberous-thickened stems 1-seT glabrous plant fleshy underground glabrous scapose annual leaves basal linear glabrous scapose perennial elongate thickened taprooW glabrous somewhat fleshy fibrous-rooted annual stems hollow glabrous somewhat fleshy perennial 0.5-2.5 above spelling generic tutin barberry family includes distinctive groups plants@ cluster species allied above traditional epithet sometimes spelled atribarba original spel@ generic position semiverticillatus W free 025-010 025-011 5-011 anderson androsaemifoliumm anerican angelicaQ angelica roseana which readily distinguished angiosperms angustifolia angustifolium animals annual annuals anomalous anomalus another another introduced species resembling cotula antelope anthers antiquityU antrorse aparine apera apetalus apexK apical apomictic apomicts apomixis apparent apparentlyC woodsorrel woolly woolly groundsel woolly panicgrass woolly plantain woolly sedge woollyweed wormseed wormseed mustard wormwood woundwort wyeth] wyeth biscuitroot] wyeth buckwheat yampai yarrows yellow yellow alyssum yellow beeplant yellow columbine yellow evening-primrose yellow lady's slipper yellow monkeyflower yellow clover yellow prairie violet yellow starthistle yellow stoneseed yellow sweetclover yellow water crowfoot yellow willow yellowbells yellowcress yellowrocket yellowrocket wintercress abies abies concolor abies lasiocarpa widerT widest widthX william wilteds wilting windblown wine-colored wingC wing-angled wing-margined wingedH winging wingless dimoprhic dimorphicQ dingy dioeciousB apomictic complex unusually polymorphic distinctive violet collected range halophytic species common flats extremely variable species always clearly largely self-fertilized xerophytic bunchgrass produces member tribe triticeae discussion under 9-20w differingf differing maculata chiefly follows sepals differing caerulea follows shrub leave differs diffusely rootstock rootstocks ropelikeb rosep rose-lavender rose-pink rose-purpleE rose-red rose-tinged rose-violet rosea~ rosette rosette-forming rosettes rossii rostellum meeting megasporangium megaspores membrane membranousE membranous-based americans amongF amounts amphibia thoughB threadlikeS three three-fourths throatl throughD editionZ editionsN efectively effect effectively effects effort efforts egg-shaped eglantine either elaboratelyY elata elder elderberry elegant elegant cinquefoil pretty cinquefoil high-elevation elephant elephant's elephants elevated elevation~ elevational long-woolly long-woolly-hairy longerD white white orchid common member genus white checker mallow perennial about white clover creeping plant repens stems rooting white evergreen conifer which reaches earlier earliest earlyW earned earning earth easier easiestg easily eastG easterly eastern eastern groundcherry non-native known eastwards easyH eaten eating component composed compoundB compounding comprehensive comprise comprised comprising concealed concentrated concept concerningG concinna conclude concludedC concludes conclusions concolorous concur concurs condensatus condition conditions conducted confinis confirmed confirms confluent dorsiventrally dotted double double-toothed doubly douglasii downd down-curved downward driedt longleaf longleaf arnica longleaf daisy longleaf phlox longleaf plantain longleaf pondweed longspine longspine sandbur longstalk longstalk bindweed longstalk starwort longstyle longstyle longtooth longtooth sweetpea lookalike lookalike sedge loosestrife louisiana louisiana sagewort louisiana vetch louisiana wormwood lousewort lousiana lousiana lettuce mallow mallow ninebark mallow-leaved mallow-leaved ninebark man's mannagrass manyface manyface groundsel mapleB mapleleaf mapleleaf goosefoot marbles mare's mare's marigold marijuana mariposa maritime maritime arrowgrass marsh marsh arrowgrass marsh aster marsh betony marsh buttercup marsh indian paintbrush marsh marigold marsh parnassia marsh violet marsh yellowcress marsh-elder marshfire marshfire pickleweed matchweed matrimony matrimony matvetch furrowedC furrowsD fusedH brittle prickly broad-leaved broad-leaved cattail broad-leaved clarkia broad-leaved twayblade broadleaf broadleaf arnica broadleaf knotweed broadleaf penstemon broadleaf plantain brome brook brook cinquefoil brook saxifrage brookgrass brooklime broom broom huckleberry broom seepweed broom snakeweed broomcorn broomcorn millet broomrape brown brown lady's slipper browse browse milkvetch buckthorn buckwheat buffalo buffalo buffaloberry bugleweed bugloss bugseed buirush bulblet bulblet bladder bulbous bulbous bluegrass thistle bulrush ragweedz burdock burnet projected projecting projectiond projectionsr prolongation prolonged prominentK prominentlyI promptly pronounced polypodiaceae portulacaceae potamogetonaceae primulaceae pyrolaceae ranunculaceae rhamnaceae rosaceae rubiaceae ruppiaceae salicaceae salviniaceae santalaceae saxifragaceae scrophulariaceae selaginellaceae simaroubaceae solanaceae sparganiaceae tamaricaceae typhaceae patchily patience patience common large perennial growing pattern patterns pauciflorus pauciflorus means few-flowered really meaning flower pea-type peach peach trees being peachleaf peachleaf willow large shrub pearl pearlwort elliptic-oblanceolat elliptic-oblong elliptic-obovate elliptic-ovate elliptic-ovoid elongateD blades blisters bloom blotch blue-black blue-glaucous caerulea caespitose callus callus-tipped calluses calyxC canadensis carota@ convallarius cyanus@ elynoides@ glabrum@ hyperborea@ lanuginosa@ longipes@ missouriensis@ negundo oleraceus@ persicaria polifolia@ repandum@ scouleriana@ sphondylium squarrosa tinctoria@ umbrinella utahensis viscida@ asteraceae compositae@ dipsacaceae@ grossulariaceae@ loasaceae mesembryanthemaceae@ polypodiaceae ulmaceae@ umbelliferae 0.3-0@ 0.3-1.8 0.4-0.6@ 0.5-0.9@ 0.5-2.5@ 0.5-3.5@ 0.6-1.5@ 0.8-3 0.8-5@ 1-1.2 1-1.3 1-1.6@ 1-17@ 1-2.3 1-2.5@ 1-3-nerved 1-3.5 1-35@ 1-40@ bulbifera bulbosa bursa-pastoris caerulea caespitosa caespitosum caespitosus calceoliformis calecolus californica californicum calycantha calycina campestre canadensis canariensis candida canescens canina cannabinum canum canus capillare capillus-veneris capitatum cardiaca carinatus carolinense carolinianum carolinianus enlargedZ enlargements enlarging ent1re entireC widelyB raven re-evaluated re-evaluation readilyQ reaffirms reality reason reasonable reasonably reasonsb recent recently receptacle recognition recognizable recognizes recognized recognizesN recognizing record recorded recurrent recurved red-purple reddish reddish-brown reddish-orange stiff stiffly stigmas stipes stipitate stipitate-glandular stipules stoddart stolonifera stoloniferous stolons stout stouter straddle straight strain strains strawcolored stream felwort fendler fendler meadowrue fennelleaf fennelleaf pondweed fernleaf[ fernleaf fleabane fernleaf ligusticum[ fernleaf lomatium_ fernleaf lovage[ fescue feverfew few-flowered few-flowered spikerush few-seeded few-seeded draba fewflower fewflower spikerush fewleaf fewleaf lewisia fewleaf meadowrue fiddleneck field field bindweed field buttercup field chickweed field dodder field horsetail field field mustard field pansy field peppergrass field sowthistle fieldcress figwort filaree filiform filiform pondweed fineleaf flat-sedge flat-topped flat-topped cancerroot ovals ovary over` overallP overgrazed overgrown Cream Yellow Herb, Perennial [-Foothills Midmontane Upper Montane Subalpine August ^